Frequently Asked Questions
How often should a sprinkler system be inspected and tested?
Typically, a standard commercial sprinkler system needs to be completely inspected and tested every year. However, much depends on the specific components of the system. There are a number of different parts to a fire sprinkler system that require quarterly inspections and testing schedules. It is extremely important to keep up with state and local inspection and testing requirements that exist for each component.
What is the life expectancy of a fire sprinkler system?
Typically you can expect the commercial fire sprinkler system in your building to last between 15 - 25 years. With proper maintenance and quality products, components of your sprinkler system could last as long as 40 years.
Will Sprinklers cause water damage?
Yes, fire sprinklers will cause damage to electronics and other valuables that are not water resistant. However, the damage is less severe as opposed to what the fire will do to your belongings or even worse, the entire building.
How many fire sprinklers does a building need?
As many as is required to douse every foot of the floor with a steady spray of water in case a fire breaks out. Be sure to speak with the proper authorities as fire protection for buildings is on a case-by-case basis. We use dedicated fire suppression design experts to determine this for you.